Value Creation
eCommerce at the eConsortium
Value Chain Creation with specialty domain brand | A unique Business Scale-up Proposition
for participation with Associate, Corporate or Global Partners Plan.
All ePartners will be digitally connected to a domain brand to advance their core competencies and businesses
Strategic Globalisation | Value Creation | ePartnership
For all who are desirious to be part of Qcircle eConsortium Ecosystem for growth together. Privileged Integrated Value Chains @ eConsortium for Members Ecommerce Exchanges and intra-business development. Subscribers of Associate, Corporate or Partners Privilege Plan can create a brand affiliation at Qcircle and be listed at the Qcircle ePartners Business Directory
Create value chain with a choice domain brand. Qcircle hosts a chain of interconnected rich keyword domain names ready for members to align themselves within the eConsortium for growth together.
Brand Affiliation is a unique co-identification privilege for all Members Partners. There are hundreds of branded domains with digital value added business content available as choices to suit their personal, professional and business specialisation interest. Members select/apply a domain brand to become part of Qcircle and its digitalisation growth process.
Virtual to reality. Members Partners are inducted into Qcircle’s ready businesses and marketplaces with its specialty knowledge nodes and appropriate brand affiliation to build their financial portfolio at the eConsoritum. Example of allocated identification link : Strategic Partners are allocated with domain template for advanced eConsortium recognition and reward. Example,
Members Partners who hold a Globalisation Award and completed a Enterprise Transformation program are eligible to self activate the allocated sub-domain brand as digitalised value chain at the eConsortium. Alternatively, Members Partners may subcribe to an Aided development and Activation mode to complete the implementation process.
Brand Application | Holders of Associate, Corporate or Partners Financial Plan | Login to select and apply a domain brand to start your strategic digitalisation process. Create a customised URL with allocated product and service lines and recognised listing as eConsortium Partners. Other participants may submit their request for prequalification entry with business proposition.
Digital Value Creation – 1
-Business Affiliates-

Business Affiliate Proposal – by Key Knowledge Domain
Strategic positioning of participants competencies and businesses into the eConsortium for co-identification of global eServices
Application of key knowledge domain | Development of Affiliate Portfolio Plan
Eligible for participation at Business Affiliate Financial Plan
Outcome : Activation of Business Affiliate Page | Qcircle Product and Service lines
Digital Value Creation – 2
– Associates –

Associates – Brand Affiliation by Specialty Knowledge Domain
Strategic integration of participants competencies and businesses with Qcircle’s value addons for global marketplaces
Application of Specialty Domain | Development of Associate Portfolio by specialisation
Eligible for an appropriate category of Associate Financial Plan
Outcome : Activation of Associate Corporate ePartners Page | Qcircle Product and Service lines
Digital Value Creation – 3
– Corporates –

Corporates – Enterprise | Brand Affiliation
Strategic development of participants’ competencies and businesses into Qcircle eConsortium Ecosystem
Integration of Businesses | Development of Corporate Portfolio with specialty domain brand
Eligible for an appropriate category of Corporate Financial Plan
Outcome : Activation of Corporate Profile Page with appropriate category of product / service lines